The big interview you’ve been waiting for is just around the corner. It’s for that hotel job with the nice salary and cushy benefits. You prepared for this—finely tuned resume, elevator pitch, even a practice interview with colleagues. You’ve got to score big on this one. So you don’t want to blow it. Here are some last minute tips to make sure you hit a home run:
- Avoid Distractions. Turn off your cell phone. Don’t let your eyes wander over the interviewers photos, awards, desktop curio items or what the interviewer may be wearing. Stay focused on what the interviewer is saying. Listen more, talk less.
- Avoid Lengthy Pauses or Machine Gun Replies. If you are asked a question, don’t talk too slow or too fast. Avoid long pauses. Most questions can be effectively answered in less than 60 seconds. If the interviewer asks you to elaborate, take another 30 to 60 seconds.
- Avoid lengthly briefcase searches. If the interviewer has misplaced your resume, have it easily retrievable. Don’t spend an inordinate amount of time digging through your briefcase for it or for other backup materials. Don’t pile up stacks of paper on the interviewer’s desk as you search for what he or she asked for. Have these handy in a folder that's instantly retrievable.
- Avoid trying to be perfect. You may not be able to answer every question. If you don’t know the answer, say so, and offer to get back to the interviewer with an answer
- Avoid interrupting. Even if you know what the interviewer is going to ask or tell you, let the interviewer finish. No one likes to be interrupted.
For an added perspective, check out this video:
Got any tips on hotel job interviews? Share your comments in the section below.
Alex A. Kecskes has written hundreds of published articles on health/fitness, "green" issues, TV/film entertainment, restaurant reviews and many other topics. As a former Andy/Belding/One Show ad agency copywriter, he also writes web content, ads, brochures, sales letters, mailers and scripts for national B2B and B2C clients. Please see more of his blogs and view additional job postings on Nexxt.
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