5 Mistakes People Make When Building Their Personal Brand

Posted by in Career Advice




There is a great deal of information online about how to build your personal brand, and even though everyone is different, there are still some mistakes that many people in almost all fields make. Whether your goal is to find a new job, suceed in the one you already have or get a promotion, perfecting your personal brand is important to help you stand out and identify yourself as a serious professional.

So what are these critical mistakes and how can you avoid them?


Here are the 5 most common mistakes people make with their personal brand-


  1. Thinking that you don't need a personal brand- This one is huge. Believe it or not, you already have a personal brand. Whenever someone looks for you on a social networking site and doesn't find you, it leaves an impression. When a prospective employer or client does a Google search on your name and doesn't find much, it makes them wonder about you. You are defined as much by your lack of website, blog, Linkedin profile etc. as you are by having them. When you are trying to leave someone with the idea that you are a serious, experienced professional, letting them see your own marketing can do a lot to help those ends.

  2. Misrepresenting yourself- Many people feel that they aren't good enough, experienced enough or just aren't sure how to take their skills and package them in a way that is both honest and flattering. Lying about your experience or skills will almost always come back to haunt you. No matter what you do or how experienced you are, there is a way to frame the truth into something that is appealing. Never label yourself an expert in your field, unless you can prove it easily. And even if you are an expert, being humble about it is always the better way to go. For example, if someone worked in fast food management for 5 years, then after some training, found a job as a customer service manager, they can easily say that they “Have devoted their career to helping businesses provide outstanding customer service to each and every customer.”. They also would “have developed a great appreciation for the sense of urgency that each customer with a complaint feels and is dedicated to finding resolution for every problem.” This sounds great and is also true.

  3. Not believing in your brand- You don't have to make your brand industry specific. In the example in number 2, the person could use this sort of brand to apply to any position that deals with customer service, not just the management job. The important thing is that you have to make the brand about the parts of you and your job that you are passionate about. If you write down some ideas, but don't believe them, then throw them out and start over. When you hit on the things that resonate with you, you will know immediately that this is what you want to be about.

  4. Forgetting the “Social” part of social media- So you made your linkedin account, you have a Twitter. Now what? Don't forget that the whole purpose of social networking is to get involved and connect with others in your field. Look around for people who are more experienced than you and don't be afraid to ask for and take advice from them. Help out others who are just entering your career path. You can start a blog, or contribute to popular blogs. While you shouldn't do anything that is unpleasant or not fun, don't be afraid to jump in and participate.

  5. Never taking a day off- It is easy to get so involved in the internet world of social media that you forget that you have other things in your life that are just as important as building your professional network. Take time out to do things with your family and friends, take some time for yourself and take the time to recharge your batteries. If you don't take care of yourself, you will find that you will quickly feel burnt out and will have alienated those that you care about. Don't let this happen. Taking a break will help you keep a level head. Even though your website, social media profile or blog are available online 24/7, it doesn't mean that you have to.


If you want to read more about mistakes that people make when building their personal brand, take a look at this article.


By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.


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