5 Traits Employees Want Their Boss to Possess

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Career Advice

As a manager, you know what you want in an employee. Whether you're recruiting, hiring, firing or mentoring, it's easy to identify the qualities that help a worker excel in your organization. However, when it comes to being a great boss, do you measure up to employee standards? Find out five of the top traits workers want in a boss.

1. Value Improvement

Employees appreciate a boss who recognizes areas for improvement and takes step to create change in the organization. Workers take inspiration from managers who encourage their employees to improve. Offer opportunities for your workers to enhance their skills by facilitating mentoring relationships or offering training courses. If an employee or department shows improvement, acknowledge it to show your appreciation.

2. Accept Mistakes

Employees are often impressed by a boss who is accepting of mistakes and shortcomings, both in himself and in others. If you make a mistake, take responsibility for it and do what you can to fix it. If one of your employees makes a blunder, allow him to save face; give him an opportunity to fix the error, and don't embarrass him in front of co-workers or clients.

3. Build Morale

A good boss does what he can to increase job satisfaction for his staffers. When employees are happy with their jobs, they are more loyal to the organization, resulting in low turnover rates and higher productivity for the employer. Listen to employees' concerns and problems, and do what you can to offer support or guidance. Make sure each employee feels valued, appreciated and challenged, and encourage a healthy work-life balance for those on your staff.

4. Encourage Teamwork

Employees want a boss who fosters teamwork and collaboration among co-workers and departments. This includes creating well-balanced teams that make use of each employees' unique skills, strengths and abilities and delegating duties to achieve a high-quality end result. Further, successful managers should step in when their are issues, resolving conflicts in a way that lets every team member feel heard and understood.

5. Empower Workers

Employees want a boss who promotes creativity and allows workers to think for themselves. Employers who micromanage their staffers leave workers feeling undervalued and unappreciated. Encourage your employees to come to you with solutions to issues or ideas to improve productivity. Delegate duties to competent workers to show your trust, and foster an environment of creativity and innovation.

Becoming a good boss requires time, dedication and the willingness to learn from your mistakes. Nobody steps into the role and handles it perfectly, but the ability to adjust and adapt your skills is important. Consider these top traits that employees want to see in a boss to determine what you can do to improve your leadership style.

Photo courtesy of Ambro at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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  • William C.
    William C.

    I need to begin at the beginning...

  • Michael N.
    Michael N.

    Sometimes they just don't get it.

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