5 Things Every Hotel Manager Should Know

Posted by in Tourism & Hospitality

by Alex A. Kecskes

You just got promoted to the position of Hotel Manager. You worked hard to get there. Now you want to stay there and be the best HM you can be. To do that, there are five things you should know before you start your career as an HM:

Communicate with your employees. Conduct regular meetings. Do more listening than talking. Observe your employees in action. Praise them in public, admonish in private. Respond to any problems immediately—whether professional or personal. Treat everyone fairly and equally.

Hire the best people. This is one thing Donald Trump insists on for his hotels. Train your employees well, guide them, and promote from within. Set benchmarks and metrics for performance. Reward top performers.

Build strengths, acknowledge weaknesses. As Clint Eastwood used to say, “A man’s got to know his limitations.” Know your own capabilities and those of your team. Build on your strengths and work to improve any weaknesses.

Build esprit de corps, encourage competition. Good employees will rise to a challenge. Task them with competitions for best performance in the various areas of your hotel’s operations. Be generous. Acknowledge the accomplishments of all who participate.

Sweat the details. It’s often the little things that hotel guests notice. On-time service, extra clean rooms, service with a smile. School your employees about the importance of the subtle, attentive touches that lead guests to compliment the staff or hotel operations.

For an added perspective, check out this video:

Got any tips or advice on things hotel managers must know before they launch their career? Include your comments section below.

Alex A. Kecskes has written hundreds of published articles on health/fitness, "green" issues, TV/film entertainment, restaurant reviews and many other topics. As a former Andy/Belding/One Show ad agency copywriter, he also writes web content, ads, brochures, sales letters, mailers and scripts for national B2B and B2C clients. Please see more of his blogs and view additional job postings on Nexxt.


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