4 Ways That Your Job Can Make You Sick

Posted by in Career Advice


Are you sick of your job? Is your job making you sick? If so, you're not alone and it's not just in your mind. There are several legitimate ways that your job could be ruining your health.

There is always talk about how much money it costs companies, and the economy at large, when employees are out sick. In the U.S., the figure is estimated to be as much as $350 billion.

When experts look at the main reasons that employees get sick, like headaches, fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, backaches and so on, it's easy to see how occupational stress can sometimes be the underlying culprit.

Here are 4 ways that your job can make you sick:

Not being able to reach goals - When you can't do what you need to do in order to reach your goals, due to organizational problems like not being given enough time, materials or the authority to get the job done, it can leave you feeling helpless and frustrated. This type of high pressure frustration is the largest cause of physical ailments. Employees dealing with this stress often develop gastrointestinal issues and fatigue.

Fighting with co-workers - I'm not talking about minor differences of opinions here, but if you are having a serious conflict with one or more of your co-workers, this can affect your health. Workplace bullies are just as big of a problem for adults as bullying is in school. The only difference is that we are often encouraged as adults to "suck it up" and complaining about it only serves to make us look like tattle-tales. People who are in this situation often report sleep disturbances and muscle aches.

Working too hard - Working hard is often viewed as being ambitious, but when your workload is constantly higher than your ability to get it done, it can cause physical symptoms. Most commonly, the over-worked report feeling fatigue.

Too many hours - When you work all day and bring work home at night, it can take a toll on your overall health. Workers who cope with long hours often report fatigue, backaches and trouble sleeping.

Have you ever had a job that made you sick? Please share your experiences in the comments.



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