3 Super Lazy Ways to Find a Job

Posted by in Career Advice

Image by Robert S. Donovan via Flickr

Find a job by being lazy.
Looking for a job is tough and it's easy to feel frantic. There is so much pressure put on finding the new job that it becomes really tempting to just send out mass resumes and apply for every job listing you are even remotely qualified for. We all know that this sort of approach doesn't really work, but we keep doing it. And that isn't a bad thing.
We are all hard workers with strong work ethics. It's hard to set aside the idea that all we need to do to find a new job is work harder. If you want something badly, all it takes is hard work. However, the truth is rarely ever that easy. Sometimes the best way to find a new job is to take a break and stop putting so much pressure on one thing.
Here are 3 ways to find a job the lazy way:
  • Kick back and relax - If you are stressed and hyper focused on your job search, before you know it, you'll begin to reek of desperation. There is nothing as repellent to employers as that scent. Employers want to hire enthusiastic people who have options, not someone who is practically begging for a job. So, take a deep breath and relax. Spend some time doing the things you enjoy but haven't had time to do. Volunteer or find ways to get out of the house and do something.


  • Don't focus on your own problems - When you are feeling frantic about your job search, it's tempting to ask every contact for help. Instead of spending so much time thinking about your own needs, think about what you can do to help others. When you attend a networking event or connect with others in your industry, look for ways to help them instead of just asking them for help. People are much more willing to go above and beyond for people when they are returning a favor. Also, helping others just makes you feel good.


  • Explore your options - Looking for a job is important, but it's also important to find the right job. Take some time out to explore your interests and find out what you are passionate about. Most people who love their jobs will tell you that they got the job by being in the right place at the right time. If you pay attention, you'll see that the majority of those "right places" didn't involve the workplace.
There are many ways to find a job, but being overly focused on your job search will keep you from finding many of them. Although it's important to keep looking, it's equally important to slow down.
What do you think? Have you ever found a job by being lazy? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments.
By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for PhillyJobsBlog and Nexxt, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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