No One is Perfect

Posted by in Customer Service

Have you ever received a complaint from a customer? Not much fun is it? As a matter of fact it can be downright uncomfortable. However, it is a great way to learn and make your business even better. You see, when it comes to running your business, you don’t need to be as smart or intelligent as you think you have to be. By taking advantage of potential complaints, you can use them to develop your business so that it can be even better.

Ask Your Customers
Here is a way you can take the power of a complaint and improve your business. First, identify three areas of your business where you feel it is not as effective as it could be; three areas that are ripe for improvement. Select five customers who you can have a one on one conversation with.This conversation can be in person or on the telephone. Share with the individual one area that you have identified that needs to be improved. Ask the customer for a couple of suggestions on what you could do to improve it.

Listen to Your Customers
When the customer starts to give you suggestions, don’t interrupt him. Don’t defend your business. Don’t try to explain why a suggestion won’t work. Don’t even agree with him. Simply listen, take good notes and when he is finished say the words, “Thank you.”

Use What You Have Learned
Then, go to the next area you have identified that you feel is not as effective as it could be, and repeat the process until you have received input from this customer on all three areas that you want feedback. Repeat this activity with four more customers. By the time you are finished you should have some excellent information that can help you put together a strategy to improve your business and prevent certain types of complaints from occurring.

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Tom Borg is president of Tom Borg Consulting, LLC. He is a business consultant, speaker, coach and author. He helps companies and organization become more successful and profitable by helping them attract and retain their customers and clients.

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