Breaking Some Traditional Rules

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

Conventional career wisdom can be difficult to ignore — after all, it's a cliché for a reason. When it comes to building a satisfying career, however, breaking a traditional rule or two can be a benefit.

Turn Your Passion Into a Career

Also known as “do what you love,” this traditional rule can be worth breaking. While it’s nice to love your job, monetizing your passions also comes with drawbacks. A job might not be available in your desired area, or the pay might not meet your practical needs. If you do follow your dream, you may discover that doing something for 40 hours per week starts to feel more like a job than a joy. There’s no shame in taking a job that’s acceptable but not completely fulfilling, particularly if it allows you to pursue passions on the side.

Climb the Career Ladder

In decades past, it was accepted that professionals would try to move up within a company until they reached the highest possible position. Modern workers are considerably more mobile and tend to ignore this traditional rule — it's not uncommon for professionals at all levels to change careers. If your ideal professional career is not linear, don’t hesitate to break convention. If the next rung of the ladder involves more administrative work than you’d like, or if you’re happy where you are, a promotion is unlikely to provide job satisfaction. In some cases, your company might not offer a viable next step, in which case you might move laterally, switch companies or change industries.

Come in Early and Leave Late

The image of the hardworking employee who’s the first person in and the last person out each day is no longer a reality in many companies. Mobile devices and constant internet access make it possible to break this traditional rule and do your job from nearly anywhere, so it’s easy to perform well and impress your boss without logging 12-hour days in the office. What’s more, overwork can lead to burnout and stress, which prevents you from achieving maximum productivity. A better option is to stay focused during business hours and live a fulfilling life outside of work. That way, you can come back feeling refreshed and ready.

Be Humble

Professional humility is a virtuous traditional rule, but in the workplace, it can be a detriment. For most professionals, self-promotion is a necessity, particularly when you’re competing with a young workforce. Millennial workers are accustomed to creating a personal brand and promoting it on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media websites. If you want to advance your professional career, don’t wait for your work to speak for you. Instead, go after promotions, make yourself visible to supervisors and become a vocal part of the team.

In some cases, breaking the rules can result in exciting career developments. By analyzing job prospects and understanding your industry, you can make an informed decision to stray from convention and ignore a traditional rule.

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